Welcome to Shiny Server @ IKMZ!

The Shiny Server is a web server that runs R programs within some HTML code to provide dynamic web pages displaying Statistical Analysis. More information is available at RStudio

You must request access to the server prior to usage. Please send an email to it-support@ikmz.uzh.ch requesting access to the shiny server.

This server is only available to users in the Department of Communication and Media Research.

What's Next?

Please use packrat to isolate each app to have its own private library.
Now you're ready to start deploying your Shiny applications.

Once you are given access and after accessing your ssh account (uzh-shortname / AD password combination) for the first time:

  • {from mac terminal} $ ssh uzh-shortname@shiny.ikmz.uzh.ch
  • {from pc} start winscp and connect to shiny.ikmz.uzh.ch (port 22) with your uzh-shortname and AD password

you should be able to see the demo pages linked to your account in the ShinyApps-folder and over the listing of your webfolder https://shiny.ikmz.uzh.ch/users/uzh-shortname/

  1. Please modify your code not to have spaces in any names and ideally make all the filenames lowercase.
  2. You need to transfer your files to the server. This is done using SFTP protocol.
    • {from mac terminal} $ scp -r [program-folder] uzh-shortname@shiny.ikmz.uzh.ch:ShinyApps
    • {from pc} start winscp and connect to shiny.ikmz.uzh.ch (port 22) with your uzh-shortname and AD password
      • {create program-folder in ShinyApps folder}
      • Drag and Drop files to the Shiny server in program-folder.
  3. Go to website http://shiny.ikmz.uzh.ch/users/uzh-shortname/program-folder/.
  4. If errors occur please send an email to it-support@ikmz.uzh.ch

All Done?

You can look at shiny.rstudio.com to take a deeper dive into Shiny or take a look at some of the Shiny Server Quick Start Guides to learn about some of the different things Shiny Server can do.

When Shiny is properly configured on your server, you'll see a Shiny app above.
With Shiny and rmarkdown installed, you should see a Shiny doc above.