What's Next?
Once you are given access, you're ready to start deploying your Shiny applications. After accessing your ssh account (uzh-shortname / AD password combination) for the first time:
- {from mac terminal} $ ssh uzh-shortname@shiny.ikmz.uzh.ch
- {from pc} start winscp and connect to shiny.ikmz.uzh.ch (port 22) with your uzh-shortname and AD password
you should be able to see the demo pages linked to your account in the ShinyApps-folder and over the listing of your webfolder https://shiny.ikmz.uzh.ch/users/uzh-shortname/
- Please use packrat to isolate each app to have its own private library.
- Please modify your code not to have spaces in any names and ideally make all the filenames lowercase.
- You need to transfer your files to the server. This is
done using SFTP protocol.
- {from mac terminal} $ scp -r [program-folder] uzh-shortname@shiny.ikmz.uzh.ch:ShinyApps
- {from pc} start winscp and connect
to shiny.ikmz.uzh.ch (port 22) with your uzh-shortname and AD password
- {create program-folder in ShinyApps folder}
- Drag and Drop files to the Shiny server in program-folder.
- Go to website http://shiny.ikmz.uzh.ch/users/uzh-shortname/program-folder/.
- If errors occur please send an email to it-support@ikmz.uzh.ch
All Done?
You can look at shiny.rstudio.com to take a deeper dive into Shiny or take a look at some of the Shiny Server Quick Start Guides to learn about some of the different things Shiny Server can do.
installed, you should see a Shiny doc above.